Festive Feel Good

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There is nothing I love more than a good Christmas Romance to curl up with in front of the fire and this was no exception.

The story follows Claire, recently divorced, her grown up son out living his life and now shes found herself in a bit of a rut. She moves back in with her mum (probably my favourite character in the book) to get some time to sort her life out. Obviously this is a Christmas romance so, introducing Sam, the hunky vet. At first I didn't like him, infact I'm still not sure I do. I do have my reasons but I don't want to put others off the book because I may have read too much into it 😂

I always love a will they/won't they storyline and yes I know they always do in the end but they never fail to bring a smile to my face.

In a world thats gone to hell, we could all use a bit of festive cheer, so even if its not December, I still recommend you pick this up!