An addicting read that will pull you in to this beautifully twisted world

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Oh, where do I begin with this book? On one hand I want to scream from the rooftops how much I love it, on the other hand it's just not that amazing.

This book reminds me so much of candyfloss. It's all big and fluffy and beautiful, but when you squash is down to see what's really there you're not left with much. That’s pretty much this book. It’s so much fun when you’re reading it but when you look at it from an analytical perspective it doesn’t really meet the mark.

The book follows the story of our main character Jude and her sisters as they’re pulled out of our world and thrown into the one of the fae. As Jude grows up in this world she tries to find her place in a world where she is a weaker in every way. I wasn’t sure what to make of Jude, but as the book went on and especially the ending I really started to like her character more and more.

There is so much political intrigue in this book, with so many twists and turns you can never tell who you should trust. Although politics play a large role in this book, as this is how Jude tries to prove her worth, it does feel like some characters were introduced with no real background to them or their kingdoms. The world building simply was not strong enough for me. If a little more time had been spent building up the world I would have enjoyed it more.

As for the characters, I think anyone can gather from the title that there’s a certain prince involved, and you don’t need to be a YA pro to know what’s coming next. The prince truly was the Cruel Prince, but I still was shipping him and Jude so much. I’m a true sucker for a hate to love tale.

With nearly all the characters being fae, they’re all impossible to trust and you love them for it. However, we reach a point of my criticism here. Sometimes the interactions between characters just didn’t feel believable. Yes, yes I know this isn’t set in our world, but there’s something I just can’t put my finger on. In fact, most of my criticism can’t be put into words, it’s just this feeling of missing something, like there’s an element missing to this story. Maybe it just needed another editing round to flesh it out a little more, who knows.

As long as you don’t over think this book it really is an addicting read that will pull you in to this beautifully twisted world.

3.5/4 stars