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"The Cruel Prince" is a book that has potential to reach heights but falls short because of how average it appears to be. The writing style is pretention and wordy but the essence is quite capturing. The feelings that are constantly trying to be conveyed by the narrative and dialog can be missed even if they fall short of hitting the mark.
Vivienne is a likeable enough charachter, could even pass for relatable as an older sister. The author is trying to pass her as a feminist icon that will live on but even that seems like its not enough to make Vivienne a memorable character. If she wasn't the main charachter I would she forget she existed.
The book as a whole had everything: fae and humans, enemies to lovers, cute clichés, and romance, but even my love for all of those things couldn't sell me to reread this book ever again.
"Meh" is the only word that comes to mind when trying to describe this novel.