Loved this book!

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This book was beautifully written. The world-building was amazing! I understood all the faerie rules and could vividly imagine all the places written about. I loved how Jude wasn’t your typical female protagonist. Holly wasn’t afraid to write her as a someone that not everyone would like. Jude could be mean and snide but it made her character more real. We all know that everyone isn’t perfect and sweet. Jude and Cardan’s growth throughout the book was really well written as well.

I also loved how Holly wrote Jude and Taras sibling relationship. It wasn’t too perfect and loving, it was messy. Sometimes I loved Tara and a lot of times I hated her but ultimately they were sisters.

Holly has a way of making you experience the characters emotions as they experience them, and that made this book spectacular. I could not put it down! It will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely recommend reading it!