Great Read!

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I really enjoyed 'The Darkness Around Her' by Neil White, the second book in the Dan Grant and Jayne Brett series. This can be read as a standalone, but as always to get the most out of the relationships, I'd recommend starting with 'From the Shadows', the first in the series.
Dan Grant is a lawyer and for his cases he uses a previous client, Jayne Brett, as an investigator. Brett comes with a lot of 'baggage' from a previously destructive relationship and a murder charge; she is still coming to terms with the aftermath and this impinges on her working and developing personal relationship with Dan Grant . Grant is a solid character and really likeable, so together they make a great team to follow on their new cases.
In this book, the crime centres around a young woman who is found murdered and Dan is tasked with representing her alleged killer. However, this case is far more complex than first perceived. I really enjoyed the development of the case and the uncovering of other deaths and missing people. Great writing; a brilliantly paced and thoroughly engaging crime novel culminating in a tense and dramatic ending. Can't wait for the next book.