Surprised myself

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I'll be honest, this isn't usually the type of book I would go for. I chose it as I knew it had been so highly regarded and thought I'd give it a try as I was in the mood for something more light hearted than usual.
I really surprised myself! I found myself so drawn into this book and rooting for the characters that I didn't want to put it down. It may seem at first like your average chicklit with not much to it, but this book is charming, uplifting and actually tackles some important issues with real sensitivity.
I really enjoyed this book, so much so that I found myself looking for another by the same author. It just goes to show how true the age old 'dont judge a book by its cover' is. Yes, the expected does happen and it's relatively predictable but that adds to the cosy, safe factor. This book is a real quirky, feelgood love story. Just what I needed.