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I admit, I went into this extract only knowing that the author receives good praise for their works. I have never actually read any of their books, but from reading this I want to buy every single one to read.

Anna as a character seems very relatable in terms of mental health, but also as someone who’s realistic and I feel there will be a lot of improvement with her. Everything to do with her seems so raw and I admire the author for writing a character like this.

I’m so excited to read the rest and to learn more about the other characters. The extract has intrigued me due to showing little snippets of parts, but not telling you the full story just yet and I just want to know more.

The writing style isn’t my usual go to, but it does make it a quick read and honestly suits Anna’s character with how outspoken it is. It’s a pretty fast paced book and I feel it’s one that will draw my heart in and smash it to pieces, yet make it whole all in one go. It’ll be an emotional rollercoaster and I can’t say that about many books I’ve read.