Highly enjoyable historical yarn

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It is 1594 and London is fearful of plots against the Queen.
One royal physician has just been executed for treason and Nicholas Shelby has also been accused.
With execution the order of the day and fearful for his own life if these implied charges are conveniently proven he flees England with his feisty wife Bianca.
They make for Padua where Bianca remembers as a child.
But along the way they pick up and feel responsible for a lone maiden after she witnesses a murder.
Hella Maas is insanely devout and believes she can foresee the day of judgement.
But apart from her zealous devotion there is something sinister about Hella who has now also developed an unhealthy obsession with both Nicholas and Bianca.
Are her prophecies true or some kind of madness?
Only time will tell.
I thoroughly enjoyed this, it was a great addition to the series and laden with action abd intrigue from beginning to end.