It was amazing. Why aren’t there more romances like this?

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Review I had no doubts that I would love this book but I hadn't realised how much I would adore it. Stella and Michael are my absolute favourites and I need to write a full review to explain why.

I knew very little about this book going in. To be honest, the most I knew is that Nick couldn't get enough of it and that it had an autistic protagonist which was more than enough for me. From that alone, I knew I needed this book so I went and preordered. I began reading it as soon as it arrived on my Kindle.

Stella has an amazing job and is happy with her work obsession... until her mom tells her she wants to have grandchildren and suggests maybe Stella needs to start dating. For most this wouldn't be a major problem, but Stella is on the autistic spectrum and she does not so well with others. She can care for herself and function in the world, she has taught herself how to not stand out, but she isn't comfortable with unexpected touches, prolonged eye contact, strong smells, and she isn't great at getting along with people. She simply doesn't know what to do, she has had sex and it was extremely uncomfortable but from what she knows of men to have a successful relationship she needs to be good at sex. How is she to do that? Hire an escort obviously. And boy does she hire a good one. I would want Michael too.

Michael is a sweet cinnamon roll and I adored him. He escorts only on Friday nights and never the same woman twice. He isn't doing it to fund a crazy lifestyle and he only does it because he knows he's good at sex and it's the only way he can make the big bucks he needs. He doesn't expect Stella at all. She isn't the type of woman he is used to. She is nice and sweet and so pretty and he doesn't even register there is something different about her until much later. He is so sweet with her. He never pushes and follows her lead. He doesn't push for sex, or even to do anything beyond cuddling if that's what she wishes. And those sweet moments of just being a couple together are the best moments. In fact, it's what leads to the Pretty Woman proposal of them faking being a couple together.

I adored it when they were together. They were the best couple together bringing out the best sides of each other. Stella learnt there was more to life than her job and although her routine makes her feel comfortable it isn't everything. And she learns she is a person and she is more than her autism. She is fun and interesting and lovable. The same happens for Michael. He continually thought he wasn't good enough and didn't deserve love because he could offer no one anything but he was the most lovable person. he was kind and caring and would put those he loved first and do anything to stand up for them. He deserved everything he wanted in life. He was beautiful and amazing and I adored him completely.