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The Last House Guest - Megan Miranda 🌟🌟/5.

This book explores friendships, murder and mystery.

Set in the beach town of Littleport. Avery is a rental manager working for the powerhouse family the Lomans. She strikes up a great friendship with Sadie, the Lomans daughter. The town is stirred when tragedy hits the town and Sadie is found dead.

"Someone knows more than they're saying, and Avery is intent on clearing her name before she's branded a killer"

Honestly I did find this book a struggle, which I hate to say. From the blurb I thought this would be a book I raced through but a struggle for me it was. Particularly the beginning. I really wanted to love this book but I just couldn't get on with the writing style. I got lost with who the characters were and the settings etc. That being said the pace did pick up half way through but it just wasn't enough for me.

The cover is beautiful. Embossed rain, setting the mood. Any embossing on a book cover and I'm sold.

It would be a boring world if we all had the same taste.