Very moving

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The story starts off with Mizuki worrying over her grandfather who is very depressed.
When she finally gets him to talk his mind takes him back to a time long ago when Hiroshima dropped and his world was turned upside down.
Ichiro has lived with guilt all his life that though he tried to save both his best friend Hiro and his little sister Keiko he failed them both.
Fleeing the city he loses Hiro but makes a vow to him he will always look after Kieko bit when they get separated Ichiro can never. Love on from what he sees as his failure of his responsibility.
Endlessly searching he leaves 1,000 paper cranes all over Japan with his name on them from pages pulled from his father's precious book.
Hoping against hope that he will one day find proof she didn't die that fateful day...
This was so incredibly emotive and a touching read of loss, devastation and hope of a reunion.
A real tear jerker that though fictional depicts true events that shattered many lives forever.
Absolutely wonderful and a book I will talk about for a long time.