Creepy and very twisted

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It took me a few chapters to get into this but it was well worth persevering as it really draws you in as you get into it. Told from the perspective of Ailsa who has returned to her childhood home accompanied by her half sister Carrie this is a thriller which will definitely leave you wondering who Ailsa can trust and what secrets the manse is hiding. Ailsa’s father disappeared when she was just seven, her mum did not provide her with a stable upbringing and this has affected her far more than she realises, the more time she spends at the manse with Carrie the less certain she is of anything. Ailsa is a troubled character but not overly complex and is easy to like, there’s a great cast of characters and Ailsa’s opinion of them really affects how the reader feels about them, this is very empathetically written. Full of twists and turns, I did not work out how this was going to go.