A charming book that broke me a little

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A book of drama, romance, tragedy and grief with a backdrop of the cold war.

It follows Laure's life, interupted by a nosy jounalist and the rest of the story just spills out. The chapters themselves are often labeled when and where but it doesn't account for the way the narratives sometimes just slips into Laure's memory as you do sometimes. There is no set pattern, emularing our own thoughts and daydreams. It makes it confusing to read at first, but adds to the quiet beauty and genius of the piece.

The characters themselves are rather ordinary and normal, but thats what you want. They are relatable, imperfect and very real. they all belong in the story, no one has been forced into make the story flow. The story flows and flows and twists itself, it breaks you a little bit but it reveals itself and works it way out.

Its very poetic and lyrical so might not be for everyone