Slow moving book about twins

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These 30 pages were a bit of a slog. The characters had some good aspects but didn’t sparkle. The writing was ok but there wasnt enough zest to motivate me to turn those pages.

There are twins, written from the perspective of twin number 2: Augusta, we learn little of her sister Julia, Augusta believes that she is better and more interesting than her sister. However, Julia can reverse park, so has some skill which is deferred in favour of Augusta’s terrible tricycle driving (ending in a pond).

This story is based in the 90s, but I found little to distinguish this time period or any nostalgic moments to which I could relate.

What should have been shocking and of morbid fascination, was the character enveloped within the Rwanda genocide, but by the time this part of the plot was revealed, I had lost interest entirely. The summarising of this part did nothing to trigger an emphatic visualisation of this tragedy of human destruction, I hope this is revisited later in the book and dealt with better.

The Augusta character has the most attention, although she has a unique interest in language this did little to draw me into her world, her speech was acidic and didn’t really reflect an avid dictionary addict either.

I can’t see how the Rwanda and British characters link up, other than Augusta’s obsession with Burundi leading her to Rwanda, which could be interesting plotwise, but the characters and writing style do not sell this story to me, so I don’t anticipate any further reading.