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I found this book really unusual. It gave me food for thought as, I’m sure like many people, it had never crossed my mind how someone who is blind, and has been from birth, copes with having their sight restored. Nova, a police translator, is one of the two main characters and she is the one who has been blind all her life. The opportunity arises for her to have an operation to fix this. She’s very scared to try this but decided to go ahead and we then learn what a mammoth task this is.

Kate is our other main character. She’s an architect and is married to Tony, a policeman, who is physically and mentally abusing her. Needless to say, nobody knows about the abuse.

Nova and Kate meet at the hospital where they’re both patients and thus begins a really touching love story which is full of tender moments and moments of confusion.

The story is informative and will certainly make me appreciate more how difficult it is to learn to see when you’ve never had sight before. The book is also funny, happy, sad, tense and not a bad thriller.

I really enjoyed it and think it’s well worth a read.