Really enjoyed this

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Nova has been blind her entire life, but is convinced by her brother to have an operation that will restore her sight. After, Nova discovers that seeing isn't everything she thought it would be. In the hospital, she meets Kate, who's dealing with her own issues, including an abusive husband. As the two of them begin to entwine their lives, many secrets are revealed, and some are more dangerous than others...

I really enjoyed this book. It is very different from what I was expecting and from anything I've read before. I found Nova's descriptions of her blindness, and it's varying levels, to be really interesting. The relationship between Kate and her husband is complex, and the violence was well-written - reading it made me feel genuinely quite tense. I also liked that in theory, these characters shouldn't work as a couple - they're so different, and yet somehow they do. Their relationship is a very slow burner, but the result at the end is so worth it.

My one grievance - what happened to the husband?! That story ended kind of abruptly. Apart from that, this was an excellent book.