Seeing the world from a different perspective

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Nova has been blind from birth, she has learnt how to cope in life, she works as an interpreter for the police and is happy with the way things are. One day her brother persuades her to have an operation which he believes will restore her sight. Nova goes ahead with the surgery and wakes up to a world that she has never seen before. Nova struggles to live in a world where she can see and now spends her life learning to see, along the way she meets Kate. Kate has her own struggles but they become friends, their relationship blossoms and they begin to help each other to recover.

I thought that this was a very inspiring read, it really makes me think about what it would be like to not know what anything looks like and then suddenly to be able to see it. I think it is really hard to imagine what that would be like. I think the book really made me appreciate sight, something which most of us take for granted. I was slightly disappointed with the ending, it was a bit like the author was trying to put too much into the book, but this was a very enjoyable read, which really made me think.