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petmad53 Avatar


This sounds really good and positively bad.
Students can’t get away with doing well at Lycroft Mount, they have to be better than that.
The school withholds a lot of secrets that need to be secrets in order to stay safe.
Students have a lot going on that are making these secrets and surprises and stories stay safe yet at the moment it is making things harder for one of the children called Quinn. Her the person she needs to assault is getting by by being at the top of the tree in everything, this is making it harder for Quinn to be able to get back in and enjoy at least that is what she is telling herself. If only she could bring down the person causing it and that would allow her to be able to do what it was she needed to.
One night Quinn decided that was it, she had had enough and was going help herself.
As Lycroft Phelps to close down for the night, one corner is just opening to maybe let the secrets out.