Wanted to enjoy this more than I did

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As an avid historical fiction fan, and an English Civil war scholar, I was very much looking forward to reading this book. The first 100 pages did well, and I was taken into the story and characters. Minette Walters has done a fine job of recreating the atmosphere of 17th century England, and her writing takes you into this time period and the people who inhabit it.

Her characterisation of the main characters was also finely done, and Jayne Swift is a remarkable (and believable) pioneering woman for these times. I was taken in by the opening section and looking forward to the journey ahead.

I'm not quite sure where it went downhill for me, but in essence it lost my interest and I started to scan read it to get through it. It is quite a long book, and I feel it for a story set in these times it could have had a bit more danger and excitement.

However it is very well-written, but maybe there is also a case of 'right book, wrong time' as I am reading this following completing a few real page-turners. This is certainly a rich book, with good quality writing, so maybe one to settle down with when you have no distractions and can focus.