An incredibly emotional re-telling of the life of an incredible man

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This book was an absolutely incredible read; it captures every single inch of your attention and provides one of the most intimate looks in to one of the world’s worst atrocities you could possibly imagine.

Morris’ re-telling of the incredible life of Lale Sokolov evokes a whole variety of emotions. Regardless of what kind of reader you are, you will not cease to experience Lale’s sadness, fear, adoration, and guilt throughout the entire book. You cannot help but feel his devotion to Gita and may just find yourself crossing your fingers that they find a way in a time of such turmoil and destruction.

The way in which Morris goes about wording each paragraph, each significant moment Lale experienced whilst imprisoned, speaks volumes to the respect she wants to evoke from us all towards Lale as a human being, and for the lengths he took to ensure that he saved as many around him as he could: ‘to save one is to save the world’.

A highly recommended read!