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I may just have to go and hide in a cave for 631562837 days and CRY my eyes out because? this?? freaking?? books?????? KILLED ME. Yes hello. You are now speaking to my corpse. This book was so wonderful and amazing to read. I loved all the twists and the turns. There were SO MANY unexpected things that happened. Both Jude and Cardan experienced so much character growth and evolved so much. I honestly love reading about them and I WILL GO DOWN WITH THEIR SHIP. The Circle of Shadows was completely amazing (except for he-who-we-now-hate) and I just LOVE Bomb so much! She's such a powerful character and whilst only being side she supported Jude and her emotions were so real! The writing was beautiful as always and I was completely drawn into their world. Now I don't know what to do with myself till The Queen of Nothing comes out (and omg you will so get the title when you read the Wicked King!)