Just as good as the first one

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I was in the biggest reading slump of my life — stressed out because of school, struggling mentally because of COVID, finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning — when suddenly I started reading this book and got to escape my pathetic life for just a little bit. The writing is so immersive and I found myself hungry for more as soon as I finished it (that same night that I started it). I understand that some people are not the biggest fan of this series, but I truly loved it. It somehow captures the magic that 2014 popular YA books had while still feeling modern and unique. My only complaint is that I wish this series was longer. I think, objectively, it is the perfect length, but I could read about the characters for ages even if they weren’t doing anything. And that’s what really makes these books stand out— the characters. I have strong feelings about every one of them (bad or good) and that is truly what I think is a measure of a good book. This book not only meets the standards of the first one, but exceeds them. This series is sure to go down as a modern YA classic.