This was WORSE than the first one! How can only I see it?!

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Me: Scrolling through reviews trying to find at least one that isn’t gushing over this book
Me: *Sighs heavily and gives up*
I’ve tried to find the appeal of this book. I didn’t go into it with a frozen heart, I really hoped that the plot, which kept me reading the first one, would win out over the weak writing, but no.
This book was just featured pet peeve after pet peeve for me.
1- This book happens 5 months after the first one. But of course nothing has happened during this time. The main characters haven’t even interacted for basically half a year! But then suddenly Cardan wants her again and blah blah blah. There was nothing stopping this book from happening just a bit after the first, so WHY ruin the authenticity of Jude’s personality, who would totally not cower for 5 months?

2- Jude caused all her problems in this book. Through both her inactions and actions everything that happened was her fault. This is such a weak and lazy plot device. And THE ONE THING this book still has going for it is the characters, so Holly Black should be careful how she abuses them to keep the plot going.

3- Every time Jude started interacting with Cardan, the scene cut off. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
And lemme sum this up real quick:
If you didn’t read this book for the romance, you didn’t read this book.

Now for my BIGGEST issue with this book. Jude commands Cardan a lot in this book, including one about never letting her be sent away from him. In one scene, Cardan says something along the lines of ‘no matter how many things you command me, you will forget something and by then the year will be over’
This implies that she needs to say everything within the year and that those things will hold afterwards. BUT THEN HE SENDS HER AWAY. AHHHHHH. I’m not saying I am smarter than the copy editor of this book and have found a flaw, but I think it should be cleared up that she is freeing him from all commands, because right now it is a little sketchy.

But HEY. This boom has some redeemable qualities.
As I said before, I think the characters are all written well and I enjoy how real they feel. And as much as I hate Taryn for the bad choices she makes, I understand her wanting to be loved and cared for. And just poor Heather. She is just a bless your heart girl. And Vivi- gotta love her optimism.

And I will admit, the twists did surprise me. I didn’t particularly care, but they were surprising.
So, for the final instalment in this series, all I want is to see the characters in functional relationships. All should feel my wrath if this doesn’t happen.