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The first book ended off in a big plot twist. Here is a recap. After Jude finds out that Oak is going to be the heir of the thrown, putting him in danger. In order to keep him safe, Jude brings Oak down to Earth with her sister. She proclaims Cardan king. This second book was no worse. Cardan does everything in his power to ensure that Jude is humiliated and he is looked up to as a bad king. There are so many good quotes in this book. One of my favorite ones is "Power is so much easier to acquire than it is to hold on to." The romance between Cardan and Jude was amplified so much compared the the first book( "The Cruel Prince" ). Holly Black has such an excellent way of hooking the reading in reading the book and it just gets better from there. I have a feeling that Holly Black is very much so from Faerie herself and has enchanted all the readers to continue reading this book!