Delightfully described food!

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I know this book gets good ratings- so I did have rethink and wondered if perhaps I was being a bit too harsh because it's not a favourite genre of mine? So I upped it from a 2 to a 3 star! It isn't my go to genre however I have read a lot of chic lit. For me this one seemed really quite average. It started off pretty solid- the pace was steady, however I think more could have happened. There was also several typos which I do find intolerable when reading...
The main character Kate I found frustrating many times, at points she was relatable and I would warm towards her however it took quite a while. However Cicilys feisty character and memorable tales were quite enjoyable. Also the beautifully described food was mouth watering to read. I wouldn't recommend tucking into this book on an empty stomach though!