So so good

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This is How You Fall in Love is a well written, heartfelt subversion of the rom-com genre
I really enjoyed this charming, heartfelt YA romance and the subverted romcom tropes keep me guessing. Zara is a great protagonist, though I think I loved her family even more than her! I'll definitely be recommending this one in the school library - perfect for fans of 'Never Have I Ever'.
This was a lovely YA contemporary read overall, filled with some good surprises as well. I really liked the characters overall and enjoyed the inclusion of friendship!
Zara, as a main character, was extremely likeable and I think a lot of people will be able to relate to her. She's in love with love, using romance novels and rom-com films to escape from her fairly romanceless life. So when Zara's best friend, Adnan, asks her to become his fake girlfriend to help him protect his actual girlfriend from the scrutiny of her parents, of course Zara agrees! She'll be killing two birds with one stone: helping her best friend with his love life and smoothing over the cracks in her parents relationship by "dating" the boy they've always wanted her to.