Surprisingly amazing

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Right so you know when you’re scrolling through amazon and you see a cheap book and has a good premise? And then you buy it because ‘treat yo shelf’? Yeah that’s what happened into the buying of To Kill a Kingdom.
And you know what? I loved it.
Im going to start off by saying I love our main character. It’s become a trend in YA fiction for the heroine to be this badass character with questionable morals. This was no exception but was executed so brilliantly that i really didnt mind and it worked so well because you had a gen•you•ine character arc.
I just liked everything about this book. I loved the characters conflict with humanity for the greater good and i loved seeing royalty politics. I live for that.
I hear around the watering hole there will be a second book.
I did enjoy the ending. It came to a rounded resolution that could easily turn into another book or could simply stop there. I will say i wont lose sleep if there isnt another book because it ended so crisp but if we’re doing another book, im 100% willing and waiting