Very interesting.

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To Kill A Kingdom is based on a siren tradition where in the month of each sirens birth they steal a heart from a human as revenge for the humans killing the siren goddess Keto. From reading the first impression the book follows Lira, a siren who has stolen seventeen hearts of humans (all princes) and aims to take another.

Reading the first impression I really like the amount of detail used to describe the characters, setting and objects, for example the flag of the boat. As a reader this really helps me to actually visualise what is going on in the book. I also really like the way the sirens are portrayed, usually sirens are mixed with mermaids and this makes it clear that they are completely different but I also like the way they have been made out to be completely heartless and it is their goal to (ironically) steal hearts. For me I also like the fact the book is written in first person as it makes it easier to follow and to understand how the main character is feeling.

This is a book I would buy and look forward to reading it.