Not a promising start but ...

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Lottie has uprooted her life to move to Italy to be with her new husband. Not only has she left behind a successful career, but she has not known her husband for very long. Sounds disastrous? Will it end in tears, or worse?
Nina's life is somewhat of a mystery. She died in the 1970s, and the absence of mourners at her funeral turns into an obsession for Lottie.
What is it about these two women's lives, one from the past and one in the present, that is so intriguing and what is really going on?

At first, I found the story very slow and difficult to get into it. If I am honest, Lottie and I did not get off to a great start! I felt she was weak-minded and easily swayed. Giving up her fantastic job as an archivist to marry a man she hardly knew! And then move to a country with a culture and language alien to her!
But as I said, that was at the beginning.

Both Lottie and Nina were introduced at the right points in the story. It was a bit wordy at times, but that did not interrupt the flow.

Elizabeth Buchan did an excellent job of bringing Italy to life for her readers. I have never been there, so I was grateful for the rich evocative description of this beautiful and ancient city.