Surprisingly enjoyable

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Firstly I need to point out the fact that I am yet to be a parent, so probably not the target market for this book. However, I work with children and can relate to a lot of the humorous feats surrounding raising them, so I thought I would give it a go. Turns out I really enjoyed it! It’s a very easy, informal read, and very lighthearted, which is what I feel a lot of us need particularly at this time. Gill is clearly very witty, and has the ability to word her “jokes” in a fluid and well-paced manner, which most authors struggle with. The only downside for me personally is the level of swearing, most pages have at least one cuss and some as much as five, which is obviously unpleasant if you don’t like swearing, but also felt a bit too “try-hard” to be relatable if you see what I mean. But overall, a really funny read, and an insight into parenthood for those of us that have yet to take the leap!