A well fleshed out Crime Thriller

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A Memory for Murder is a fresh take on a Crime Thriller, with a driven, multifaceted main character and delves into serious issues with depth. All issues are explored thoroughly and it makes the novel seem realistic and believable. I am sure this book will become a favourite for avid Crime Thriller readers.

The pace is around medium however I do believe that the frequent change of point of view is sometimes jarring and slows down the story. There were a few points of view that did feel unnecessary for me.

I did enjoy the plot and think that it was wrapped up well however I did see the twists coming from fairly early in the story. That being said, I am unfamiliar with this authors style so this could have been done purposely in a "work backwards" type of approach.

I enjoyed the setting and felt like I had a good grip of it even though the city is unfamiliar to me. I can see how you would become more and more invested if you have read this series for the beginning, I don't think it is necessary though.

My main issue with this was the writing style, I was midway through the book when I found out it was a translated work and in hindsight that makes a lot of sense. I don't think you can get the general flow of a story if it is no longer in the authors own words, and I think that when you move it into a different language to which it was written in, books can fall prey too this. It felt disjointed for sure.

In short I am not sure if it is simply this book that is lacking or the genre itself being something that is not for me.