I can speak to the dead

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Wasn't sure about the front cover but it would have attracted me.

I adore Kathy Reichs and "Bones" and this does remind me a little. Although Cassie is the technician and not the pathologist.

The extra hit for me is the fact she can speak to the dead and get a sense of how they died. Its fascinating.

We find out that she started doing this after her parents died. I do feel that grandma has an idea and may actually know of the ability.

I really like the characters so far and although Cuff is looking down on Cassie, but does he help her with Mrs E?

Hopefully we can get to the bottom of why cassie can't let people in to her life. Is it really about her gift or is it so she doesn't have to deal with loosing anyone close. Just like she did with her parents.

If you don't let people in it means you don't get hurt. Doesnt it?

I am intrigued to know more on this story!.