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To me this initially seems to be a cross between Six Feet Under and Pushing Daisies; both TV programmes which I watched religiously and this book feels of a similar vein. I feel as though it won’t disappoint and I will enjoy the Englishness of the book. I can’t wait to read more and find out what happened to Geraldine Edwards. And what about the relationship between Cuff and Cassie? What happens there? And her grandmother has more to her too!

The smidgeon of a sixth sense that Cassie appears to possess is intriguing and I want to know if it develops further or does it always just give her a small taste of how the person died? It is unusual to have the main character working in a mortuary instead of being the more typical ‘Silent Witness’ type story with the pathologist solving the crimes instead of the police. A clever storyline which I will enjoy reading.