A different perspective on Diana's life.

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People will never tire of reading books about Princess Diana and this one written by her protection officer for 6 years gives a different view of the life she led. The author details the challenges of protecting a woman the whole world was, and still is, fascinated by. He writes about visiting various places and countries and the situations when he was needed to act as more than a protection officer and stepping into the role of press officer and negotiating with the international media. As he was in close contact with the Princess and her sons he also has great insight to their private lives which he writes about with great sensitivity. The cover has a photograph of Princess Diana on her own and that appears to be how she felt so much of the time in spite of being surrounded by people. Even in the few pages of the First Impressions it was clear that her sons were her greatest joy. I thoroughly enjoyed reading First Impressions and it definitely whetted my appetite to read the whole book. I, and many others, will find this book an absolute must to add to their reading lists.