Delicate and direct

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I was touched in a humble and delightful way by this book. The style in which it was written allowed it to have a tone of authority, whilst remaining accessible and evoking. Wharfe deserves great credit for this; it is a balance that many writers fail to achieve. The tales of her journeys gave a beautiful insight into the self-doubt, paranoia, and aggravation that the partly uncontrollable situations that royals can be placed in, caused her. The misunderstandings between public, press and person that took place were explained well, and allowed the reader to understand without unfair judgement (on Diana, the Royals’ and the press’ part) being made. Lady Diana’s character was displayed and clarified, so as to pin-point her wonderful personality yet illustrate her pure tendency to be human in emotion. The balance between humour (particularly with stories of the two boys, William and Harry), hatred and longing were perfectly appraised. A stunning book.