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A first person plot, set in the modern day, with an optimistic teenage girl as lead.. could i ask for anything better?

The writing style is gentle, and modern, but not too colloquial- it makes perfect sense.

But the characters- they are interesting and diverse, without it seeming to 'try to hard to tick boxes'.

There are a few elements, like a small lack of description, that might have made the introduction a little better, but the lack did lend to the WONDERFULLY SMOOTH paragraphs, and overall flow of the story.

It is a must read novel, with a wonderful story line...

Leah is an utter inspiration!!!!

The family dynamic is clear and realistic, displaying good morals, and values, from which a lesson or two can be learnt.

And, Leah's experiences are so understandable, especially for today's teenagers! This is a GREAT book for any early to mid teenager, as it clearly states positivity, even though tough and uncertain times.

10/10, would recommend, strongly!!