I loved it

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Loved it! The characters are all set out in an easy to read way. I can imagine how each looks and feels. The plot is really easy to follow but also covers some more difficult topics that aren't often seen in books. Its an easy book to get into. The story starts straight away and gets straight into the narrative. Once I started I didn't want to put it down! Amir's narrative is really creative and it feels as though I'm inside his head. It's totally engaging. It was honest, it was funny and it was easy to relate to.

A gay Muslim main character isn't often seen in books as both are minorities but Amir's representation feels refreshing and true. Amir is terrified to come out to his Muslim family but ends up being caught by blackmailers ( a bit of a 'Simon vs the Homosapien agender' vibe going on!) It does remind me quite a bit of Love Simon and not just because of similar motives.