Another gripping adventure with Tom Wilde

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Having thoroughly enjoyed the predecessor to this book, Nucleus, being back in the Cambridge world of Tom Wilde was a welcome bit of escapism.
Set just as World War 2 is breaking out Tom is on "honeymoon" in France with his partner Lydia when he receives mysterious contact from Honore - telling him of the plight of a former Cambridge chorister, Marcus Mayfield, who has been incarcerated nearby.
Pulling some strings with his contacts in the Home Office they liberate Marcus and race back to the UK, as war has just been declared.
As decisions go it may not have been a wise one. Marcus is not all he seems. For a start, his Mother doesn't like him and his Father commits suicide on the day he returns. There is an undeniably something "off" about him and as Tom digs deeper he finds himself drawn into a web of danger.
Marcus is not operating alone and people he comes into contact with start to die.
Tom is left in a kill or be killed cat and mouse chase.
Eminently entertaining and very easy to read - I devoured this in a couple of days and look forward to the next in the series. Tom Wilde is too good a protagonist to be pensioned off as yet!