Heart-wrenching, but Much Needed

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This is such an important topic to talk and write about!!! The stigma of rape, the court case that is often labelled "the second rape", the shame and fear of victims that they are to blame.
Socially, we are making improvements but we have such a long way to go.
I commend the author for having the courage and strength to write and publish this book.
It is an easy read, yet so emotive. Knowing that Harry lured Stacey so his brother could rape her made my blood run cold.
I am interested, however, to see how the trial unfolds and how Harry's brother presents his "perspective" of the rape. Especially considering that he appears to be from a white, middle class background. With such prominent cases in the media, such as Brock Turner, the outcome of the trial is one that I am excited to see. I would definitely buy this book!