Love it already!!

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Earlier this year, around the start of lock down, I discovered 'Stepsister' by Jennifer Donnelly and I absolutely loved it! The feminist retake on the classic story of Cinderella was so amazingly refreshing and really spoke to me, especially the whole plot-line of how Isabelle wasn't 'beautiful' like Ella and therefore wasn't a 'nice girl' or 'didn't deserve happiness' as if the two things were mutually exclusive.

When I logged on to Readers First today and saw the new books, this book immediately caught my eye so I read the synopsis...and it honestly feels like it was meant to be - I come from a social and family background where I'm constantly told to 'be quiet', and that roles/jobs that are 'important' or 'for leaders' should be left to men, as if a woman is not smart enough or capable enough of doing a job as good as - if not better - than a man could. For this reason, I just had to enter the draw for this book as the last book I read by this author had a huge impact on me and really changed my life for the better.