Very enjoyable

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I found ‘Poisoned’ very quick and easy to read due to the fast paced and creative writing style the author chose.
It was a little slow to start off with but as the story developed I was immersed into the plot and struggled to put the book down.
The way the story retold more along the lines of the Grimm’s Bothers and gave the readers a strong, independent, compassionate and fearless leading lady that did not have to rely on a man/prince to save her was extremely compelling and excited. She fights for what she wants instead of waiting for someone to do it for her.
This has been the first book I have read from this particular author and I can not wait to be immersed into another one of their books.
Personally I would have liked the story to keep the fast pace the whole way through as I did find the start a little slow but other then that it is a very enjoyable read.
The cover was very eye catching and all in all this book is well worth being added to your reading list.