I loved it

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dilakocher6 Avatar


I was gripped from the first page and remained so as the author deftly ratcheted up the tension to its inexorable but extremely satisfying conclusion. Beautifully written, utterly believable - what a book! More please!
This book is definitely very intriguing.

It almost seems to be a classic 'who done it' type of story.
We have a group of high flying London socialites who have grown up together and some gone their separate ways, only to be pulled back together several years later and having to deal with a situation form 10 years ago.

We have a back story of the characters and what they are all doing now. There does seem to be some tension within the group, and perhaps friendships which could be too 'friendly'.

They are all to be questioned again about the mysterious death of a French girl, all of them seemingly unaware of what happened, but as with all stories like this, one of them must know.
The question is who, and what was their involvement?