The twist with a twist that twisted again

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A fairly comfortable read at just over 300 pages. Initially sounded like a Strangers on a Train scenario when the main character answered a message left in a book saying she wanted to go ahead with something, but we weren't told what or who for, just that she had to make sure she had an alibi.

As the story unfolds we find out what that initial agreement was - the daughter of a local politician disappears, but how is the main character Candi (or Skye as she wants to be called) involved?

Skye pretends to have visions or read things in tarot cards to help the police solve the crime. Things don't turn out as planned though which is where the twists come in. Something goes wrong, all evidence points to one culprit, or could it be someone else? And just when you think it is all resolved yet another twist rears it's head.