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Nell Galilei, her husband and twelve-year-old stepdaughter Maude rented a vacation cottage by the sea and Maude needed time and space away from home after being involved in some troubling affairs. Nell grew up in this small, windswept town and has mixed feelings about returning , . The residents seem very keen to make friends and she’s soon spotted by a neighbour who recognises he. From the start Nell feels uncomfortable there. Nothing is quite right in this place.
Outraged that she had been brought here against her will, Maude is soon taken in by the strange atmosphere of the house. Strange marks on the rafters above her bed and other disturbing oddities in the other rooms.
As the house slowly reveals its secrets, Nell becomes increasingly agitated and Maude spellbound. But these women - the women around them - also harbour secrets of their own, and events soon come to a terrifying head. . . . . .

A wonderful, unsettling, chilling novel about mothers and daughters, truth and deception and the lengths to which people will go in power over their lives.

The Hiding Place is the second epic novel from the acclaimed author of The Wayward Girls.