Shelby Does Morocco

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Book 3 in the series, although you don't have to have read the previous ones to enjoy this story it would probably help as it frequently mentions things that happened in the first 2 books which could be a bit frustrating.

Being a few books in and having read the first two we are now in comfortable territory, we know the characters and how they act so don't need things explained as much or lengthy back story details which allows us more time just to live with them. We get a wedding celebration with two of the regulars, as well as hints at the burgeoning relationship between our main character and the Italian apothecary/landlady Bianca Merton who saved his life in the first book. Is Nicholas ready to move on from the memory of losing his wife in childbirth?

The devious Robert Cecil plays his part in the story as always, subtly blackmailing Nicholas into going abroad to spy for him. We also have the ship captain Connell who rocks up just before the wedding who seems innocent enough to begin with, but you just know he has some backstory that and more devilish intentions. There's something not right as it causes Farzad to go into hiding after seeing him appear in their taproom, so he know's who Connell really is, and feels safer hiding rather than telling anyone.

We eventually get to Morocco where Nicholas begins his investigations, but they don't last too long before we are on our way back to England.

Oh yeah and the whole time this is going on a plague is descending on London just to add to it all.

As thoroughly entertaining as the previous volumes, i am invested in the lives of Nicholas and his friends, and can't wait to read more about their lives and adventures.