Great Series

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series "The Bastille Spy" written by C.S.Quin and just couldn't put it down, so I was delighted to find she had written the follow on.

In this book set in Paris in the year 1789 English spy Attica Morgan teams up with pirate Jemmy Avery to complete the task in hand, which is helping the nobles to escape.

Sadly for her these actions cause a killer with a twisted mind to turn his attentions on her and she is faced with many difficult decisions on what to do for the best.
Coupled with this is the fact she is to be married in England in just a few days so must return.

The reformed pirate Jemmy is always at her side and plays a vital role in keeping her alive to return to England.

An interesting addition at the end of this story is "Truth or Fiction Which of these 5 Events really happened" ..

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