The Revolution is Coming

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Book two in the Attica Morgan series and what a book it was! Book two sees Attica and Jemmy caught between the revolutionary zeal of the common folk of France and an indifferent King; whose position is further undermined by his Queen Marie Antoinette whose extravagance knows no bounds.
Add Robespierre to the mix. Is he a man of the revolution as he supposes or a self serving autocrat out for whatever serves him best!
Also the Bastille has fallen, the prisoners released and a killer stalks the streets. His victims are female aristocrats and he murders them in the most brutal fashion. Attica whilst helping nobles escape finds herself a target of this killer and she must unmask him before she herself is killed!
A great action-adventure that conjures up it's setting and places the reader on the streets of revolutionary France. Highly recommended.