Fell a little short

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This book fell a little short for me. I did enjoy the mystery as to what had happened to Sophie, i definitely got through the book quickly - although I expected a little more on the online trolling side on social media - this was what initially attracted me to the book and there was only a couple of blog entries for us to see, so I was slightly disappointed.

The book is written in first person by Sophie and third person by Fortune - Sophie's was much more believable. I struggled with the language in Fortune's, it didn't sit right for me or flow the best. Pretty much everyone Fortune came across spoke with words missing - a couple of examples "Help You" instead of "Can I help you" and "The hell are you" instead of "Who the hell are you" - I understand some people speak like this, but not everyone you meet!

This is a light, easy thriller (or I'd more likely say mystery) to pass away a few hours - unfortunately the language lowered my rating.